For the last 24 hours, guests at the Creekey Inn--a large old mansion on the side of Shadow Mountain--have heard a noise they cannot identify.
It is described as a "low rumble" followed by a "bone-chilling blast of sound" that echoes through the entire inn, vibrating the walls and floors.
More than one guest says it seemed as if "the inn is screaming." Since it was first heard, this noise has sounded between six and eight times - depending on which guest you ask.
Any time of the year, it can snow on the mountain and yesterday was no exception. The inn and its access road are now buried under a freak snowstorm that passed through the area. The guests cannot leave for fear of being trapped in the snow.
This morning, the owner of the inn called the Shadowville police. Two officers were sent by snowmobile to the Creekey Inn and heard the noise themselves. The guests are desperate for someone to identify what the noise is before nightfall.